Online Course Selling Website


  • Easy to create courses with your favorite file type like audio lacture , video lacture , podcast Etc.
  • Availble different types of quizes like true or false or multiple choise etc.
  • Available students certificate features (For course completed students) from best Website Designer in Tezpur.
  • Easy maintainable control panel without coding( Simple drag and drop)
  • Also has intructor features , if someone wants they can also sale courses on your website as an instructor
  • 100% Mobile and Tablet friendly
  • Beautiful layout with a single click
  • Hand holding 24/7 team support,5 hours tutorial video free ( on How to Use The Website)
  • Free Logo according to your business
  • Amazing front-end dashboard for users and instructor
  • Multiple Payments Gateways Like Paytm , paypal, Phone Pe Etc.
  • 3rd party video hosting account free for your coueses to host
  • Power to create Free or Paid Courses

Description from Website Designer in Tezpur

The most amazing thing about this website is that everything happens on the front-end like User Dashboard , instructor dashboard etc.We will design you a dynamic , easy to use website ,the most important thing is that you dnt have to write single line of code for this webiste , we will build you a complete control panel for everythig.If you need any changes you just simply click and everything will be change according to you in your live server.

Dnt worry we will tech you everything , infact we will give you a free 2- 3 hours long video where all the information like how to use the website , how to upload courses on the website all the information will be from the best Website Designer in Tezpur , how to handle the server , how to do seo everything will be provided to you on that video.

Design of the webiste:

If you ask about the design and functionality about this website , we have taken inspiration to create this webisite from the most famous and powerful LMS website which is Udemy. All the style is like professional design , the color format , the animations , sliders all are just incredable . You will get a complete worth for money for this website.

Certificate Download :

One more and most important and amazing features you get with this  website is that you can create automatic certificate for your students for that perticular course which they have completed on your website and all the students will be able to download the certificate from their front-end dashboard after they login to their account.This all amazing features from the best website designer in tezpur.

Instructor Features:

Instructor function on this website helps you earn more money .If i describe you simply it will be like this , if someone wants to teach on your website i mean if they want to create their own courses on your website they can do that, and not only that whenever there is a sale of that instructor course you will get a commission , and the commision rate will be your own because the website is your , you can give how much commission you want its completly on you.

Single Course Page Design:

The single course page design is just like the udemy as i told you earlier . First of  all you will get all the reviews on the course and then course title , instrctor name , course level  and then some social sharing links if anyone want to share your course on some other social midea they can do that from there.After that the category of that course and the duration of the course then how many students enrolled in the course after that when is the last update date of the course.After that some about this course tab , long description of the course and then the most important tabs which is what you will learn section .

For any courses there is must have section which is what they will learn in this course and we are showing that in a very a loyal and stylish design. After that you will see chapter curriculum all the leassions available in that courses , beside the curriculum there is a Q AND A section in which if any students ask any questions about that course all the questions and answer will be in that tab which is Q & A section.

In in the right side there will a preview video of that course where the trailer of that course video will be prove there if they like the course demo and want to see the complete video they user will have to buy that video or you can keep it as free its completely your choise we will give you complete flexibility of that.

And below that all the materials which will be on that course will be provided below.If you see it for the first time you will lose yourself thats how amazing this design is thats why the designer of this site maker has got best website designer in tezpur award.

Where will be videos hosted:

The most and important thing in running a website is that how good is your server is , how much space you will get and what will  be your source code file size.In that case if you want to upload all your course video  in your own website server your server will get lot of recourses used and the result will be slow loading , your user have to wait 10 , 10 seconds to view any page in your website.

So team 24siteshop found a great idea for your we will host all your video into some different , 3rd party video hosting platfrom like youtube but dnt worry if it is a paid courses they can see it on youtube it it is free they can if paid , they have to pay first then they can enjoy the full course.Team 24siteshop will provide you all the deatils.

Paymets Gateways :

We will integrate as many payment you want , like paypal, payUmoney, Paytm , Credit Card /Debit Card , internet banking etc.Our Best website designer in tezpur has figured out all, just follow the step to contact us

What you need to do to get like this kind of website:

All you need to do is sent an email or just call us or you can whatsaap us all the contact information will be in the contact section after that team 24siteshop will contact you for your business when you provide all the deatils like your business name , business location your logo if have any , your business image etc. Then your website will be ready within 3 days.

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