
Job Portal Website – Like Linkedin and Indeed

Original price was: ₹32999.Current price is: ₹12999.

  • This Website is Highly Customizable and Nice Looking
  • Extensive Admin Interface which will attract you more
  • 50+ Premade demo design availble made by web designer in tangla
  • No coding knowledge required to run this website
  • Responsive & Retina Ready design for candidate and employers
  • Large collection of useful inner pages
  • Choose your own grid size by clicking 1 click
  • Boxed layout option available for mobile user
  • Powerful typography options available
  • Atto Translation ready for almost all language in the world
  • WooCommerce compatible for future upgrade
  • Also WPML Plugin compatible
  • Powerful sorting options for job listings and resumes
  • Multiple ways of showcasing job listings and resumes
  • Cool looking Listing List which is design by best web designer in tangla
  • Listing Search shortcode for developers
  • Listing Advanced Search shortcode to customize the site way you want
  • Nice Listing Simple Search Layout
  • Resume List Features for candidate
  • Resume Advanced Search fearures for employers
  • Beautiful User login dashboard
  • Premade User Dashboard page design
  • Enable users logging in via Facebook and Google accounts
  • user friendle and eye catching Pricing Tables
  • Comparison Pricing Tables Available
  • Smooth Page Transitions
  • Fontawsome & Flaticon
  • User friendly User Login Form

100% Gurantee from Best Web Designer in Tangla

The most amazing thing about Web Designer in Tangla is that what they create is everything happens on the front-end like User Dashboard , candidate dashboard etc. We will design you a dynamic , easy to use website , the most important thing is that you dnt have to write single line of code for this webiste ,we will build you a complete control panel for everythig. If you need any changes you just simply click and everything will be change according to you in your live server.

Dnt worry we will tech you everything , infact we will give you a free 2- 3 hours long video where all the information
like how to use the website , how to handle the server , how to do seo everything will be provided to you on that video.So that you dnt have to worry about a thing.

Most Amazing features from the Best Web Designer in tangla :

The most amazing thing that you will get with this website is that your employers can take interview their candidates right on the website using Zoom video call so that they can hire the right candidates for their vacancy’s, isn’t that cool? Also an inbuild messenger is intregrated with this website so that employers and candidates can have a decent chat like facebook , and whatsAap messenger those are the reason why this agency is number one in the list of Best web Designer in Tangla .


Some of the more Core features Listed below

  • Application Deadline Features
  • Application tracking features
  • Apply in job with facebook profile
  • Apply with linkedin
  • Auto Email Alerts from web designer in tangla
  • Free Job Submission
  • Geo location Search
  • Job Alets
  • Job Suggestions
  • profile builder
  • Profile Completation
  • Resume Builder
  • Social App Login

Also you can run google adsense ads to the website with no limits .It has a nice and specific place to run beautiful and sence full ads on your website.You can also upload videos to the website with your own server or you can upload video to youtube and then embed to your website so that your website load time is optimized. Thats all depends on you.


Advance Filter features:

It has a unique and very advance level job filter features like auto suggest and everything.

Advance Geo Location Search:

With the help web designer in tangla you get geo location for your users to find right needs from their perticulars location.

Review System :

It has a very nice looking review system which will help your employers job rank


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